Archive for
September, 2008


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Octopus in a Stew – O foods.

♫ Put your head on my shoulder ♪, hold me in your arms ♪.... ♫ Octopus ♪! Specially dressed by Paul Anka (turn the player on to get the real feeling). Could a potatO ask for more? A love story of hugs and hOt desire! ...


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Cassoleta d’Albergínia i Butifarra

I bet you all guessed what the title means... yes? no? Aubergine (Eggplant) and Butifarra's Cassoulete, where Butifarra is our Typical Catalan Sausage :D. Basic ingredients for a basic dish. Since Medieval ages, the catalans have been using this veggie in their kitchens and I want ...


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About cooking classes, Bloggers and Awards.

This week I've been a bit absent in your blogs. I feel sorry about it :( It's been a crazy week! Lots of new things to be done! Cooking classes to attend! Yes, you heard perfectly well... cooking classes! And you will immediately think... Ain't this "girl" ...


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Red Mullet stuffed with Trumpets of Death and wraped in Ham… on a bed of Romesco and Potatoes.

Have you ever thought: After this experience, I'm ready to die! It has happened to me a few times in my life... : Fleetwood Mac on the car radio, my beloved driving through the bends of Costa Brava, the scent of the pines and the sea... ...


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Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24. A Spanish Menu – My gift to the Winners of the Olympic Games.

Special dressing: SUPERMAN from Barbra Streisand (turn player on)This is my little tribute to the new World Wide Super Heroes: Men and Women whom have gone beyond, whom seem to be from another planet: they can fly, they can nearly breathe under water and they seem ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Sardines in a Pickle – Sardinas en Escabeche and an Award

Did you buy far too much Sardines? Did you see their silver skin shinning on the fishmonger's desk and thought... MMmmm I could have them grilled this Saturday and invite the family over... but then the weather turns rainy and stormy and you change ...


Meat & poultry | Others | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Fried Frog Legs with Green Sauce dip

Special dressing today: The Dance of the Hours. (please turn player on) Yes, I must be a bit insane... who else would think about putting a ballerina costume to some frog legs? ...


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Chipirones en su Tinta – Squid in its Ink

Alert! Alert! You don't wan't to miss this post! You have never had anything like this before! Come over here, take a look at the pictures and the recipe and tell me you don't want to cook this... I nearly cry when I tasted them!Chipirones are ...


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Cherry Tomatoes Salad

This past weekend my daughter in law brought us these garden pearls! These tiny cherry tomatoes are a real treasure! Sooooo sweet and juicy. She has her own garden and never goes to the farmer's market... I can't imagine how much money she saves per year!!!! ...


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Respect… ♪just a little bit ♫! And some Awards.

I wake up in the morning and Boleta looks at me... we all have breakfast together... I take a shower and get dressed and boleta looks at me... my daughter gets her things, we run to the door and boleta looks at me... with this eyes... ...

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