Traditional Spanish Recipes
Hocus Pocus Chicken


Meat & poultry | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Hocus Pocus Buried Chicken

Let's get in the Halloween mood... call me creepy if you want to... but now and only because death is like "the thing"  these coming days, I have prepared for you all kind of dreadful ways to die and this poor chicken served my purposes. Some of these methods were ...

Arros Bacalla


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Codfish Rice

My food obsession, my favorite ingredient, my delicious treat… that's rice! Yes, Paella was invented in Valencia, but here in Catalonia we also master our rices!!! Name an ingredient and we make a Casserole Rice for you with it :D. In Catalonia, rice ...

Spanish Omelet


Eggs | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Spanish Omelet

This is one of my first recipes in this blog… Ahhhh sweet memories… July 17th 2007 to be exact! Wow, time flies! Now, that I'm a big girl and my photos have improved a bit, here you have the 0.3 version of the Spanish Omelet. A must in any Spanish ...

Artichokes Omelet


Eggs | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Artichokes Omelet

I meant to upload this Artichokes Omelet post for some time now; nearly without noticing it's already the end of the artichokes season and this is my last chance… I guess. Maybe in coldest climates you still have artichokes in full swing… if that is the case, I strongly recommend ...

Paella Parellada


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rich Man’s Rice – Arròs Parellada

Rice is one of my favorite ingredients, that’s why I love exploring all its possibilities. If you want to make me happy, invite me for a paella or anything that includes rice in the menu. If you want to be happy, ask me to do a Rice for you! This recipe I’m ...

Romesco Sauce


The bases | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Romesco Sauce

Here you have the Queen of the Catalan Sauces: Romesco! It's perfect for meat, fish, rice, pasta, potatoes, vegetables.... anything! This time of year is the right moment to prepare it because… It's Calçots time!!! In case you wonder what a Calçot or Calçotada is, follow this ...

Rosquillas de anis


Cupcakes, cookies & muffins | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Spanish Anise Doughnuts

Spanish Anise Doughnuts are called Rosquillas de Anís here :D. This is an old sweet recipe, easy to prepare and delicious to enjoy with some tea or coffee or just when nobody is watching and you can sneak into the kitchen and steal one or two from the cookie's can. There's ...

Suquet de Rap


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Suquet de Rap

Suquet de Rap means Monkfish soupy dish in Catalan. It has fresh Monkfish, Potatoes, clams and a Picada, this last food preparation is so typical from Catalonia... it's like our mark in terms of Cuisine. This dish has a seaman's origin... and you might be wondering... really? A Fish dish has ...

Winter Soup


Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | The bases | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Blog your Soup

In my opinion, some of the most joyful aromas you can smell during Winter time are: The burning wood’s smoke going through the village house’s chimmeneys. The scent of the pine trees while wandering through the Christmas street markets. The wonderful and comforting aroma of a winter boiling stock as you enter the ...



Fruits | Traditional Spanish Recipes


Today I want to show you this delicious Basque dessert which I recently discovered and eventhough it doesn't look that pretty, please trust me when I say that it is more than delicious!!!! If you like cinnamon and walnuts... this is your dessert, you will love it!... the flavours combine ...

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