Beverages | Others

Chocolate: The dessert, the Movie… the 8th Capital Sin.

Are you a chocolate addict? Do you know that we should eat 15 Chocolate kilos per day to become addicts? Therefore, don’t worry anymore, it only gives you pleasure but you are not addicted to it :D.
Chocolate contains essential ingredients that turn on our “I’m feeling great” switch! It gives us energy, it eases premenstrual syndrome, it helps us to get in a better mood, and I could go on and on! However, it has had some bad advertisement through the years that today we can say it’s not true.
It’s not true that will make you fat. Moderate its consume and have it 60% Cocoa minimum (it has less sugar and cocoa butter).
It’s not true that contains cholesterol. What may contain a bit of cholesterol is the power milk added to the cocoa.
It hasn’t been completely demonstrated that Chocolate could cause migraines. Migraines are due to more than one factor and the substances that appear in the Cocoa have been linked with migraines but its relation it’s not conclusive.
It’s not true that Chocolate aggravates acne. There’s no Clinical study confirming that.
The first cocoa plantations were in Maya territory, in the year 600! In 1519 Hernán Cortés tries it for the first time. In 1528 Cortés comes back to Spain and brings a huge cacao cargo over. In 1606 it’s introduced in Italy, in 1615 in France. During 1646 it appears in Germany and the British find out about it in 1657. Switzerland in 1697, Austria 1711 and Sweden 1737.
In 1815, the cocoa butter is finally separated from the cocoa and the result is: cocoa powder.
In 1847, a new production process makes possible to eat the Chocolate in a stick.
In 1875, the first Chocolate with milk is produced in Switzerland.
I have loved chocolate ever since! I only know 1 person who doesn’t enjoy chocolate! My sister in law… I keep on forgetting every time she comes over and I offer her something chocolaty… so today I’m offering you all this fantastic bi coloured dessert: Vanilla and Chocolate with chocolaty peanut. I’m also sending it over to Susan from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy and Marc from NoRecipes and their brand new Event: Dinner & Movie. Come join and see Chocolate, the movie!

But if you are still craving for other desserts, why don’t you try these?

Walnut and banana bundt cake, this was my first one… you can do it too!
Muffins, cupcakes, madalenas… always a good election!
Walnut cake, we should all eat walnuts frequently… they are so good, and much better in a cake.

Make sure you have your bib on before clicking any of these links :D
Chocolate Factory, a Spanish Chocolate company.
Beldelice, a Belgian and Spanish Chocolate company.
Bubó, a shop in Barcelona… heaven for many of us!
Caffarel, an exquisite Italian Chocolate company.
Xavier Mor, a Catalan Chocolatier.
Godiva, probably the most known Belgian Chocolate.
Nestlé, the Swiss brand for chocolates.
Knipschildt, probably the most expensive chocolate in the whole world!
Oriol Balaguer, you shouldn’t miss his creations!
Pastisseria Escribà, a delicious City classic!


To prepare this dessert you will need: 1 liter of milk, 3 yolk eggs, 175 grs of sugar, 40 grs of cornstarch, 1 vanilla pod, 4 tablespoons of powder cocoa, some chocolaty peanut.

  • Pour the milk, half the sugar and the open vanilla pod in a pot and turn the heat on. Let it boil for only one minute. Reserve and cover with a lid so that the vanilla infuses for some more time.
  • Whisk the egg yolks and the other half of the sugar in a bowl until they get a bit white. Add the cornstarch and whisk until you get an homogeneous mixture. Pour it inside the milk pot and stir well.
  • Put the pot back to heat and stir non stop until it thickens at medium heat. It will take aprox. 8 minutes. Take away from the heat.
  • Divide the mixture in two different bowls. Mix the cocoa powder in one of them. Stir it well and let it cool down.
  • Only when both bowls ingredients are cold prepare the cups, if you don't do so, layers will mix one with the other (this is experience talking). Place in the fridge and just before serving add the peanut chocolates on top.

This will serve 4 to 5.


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02/18/2009 · 10:48 h by Peter G

Oh Nuria! You had me licking the screen! I love all the little bits of information you have shared with us…and that recipe is beautiful! Te gusto mucho!

02/18/2009 · 10:57 h by Laurie Constantino

Lovely pictures of what is no doubt a wonderful dessert!! One thing though – although other things also cause migraines, I can say with 100% certainty that chocolate does trigger migraines in some people, including me!! I don’t eat it and don’t want it, in typical Pavolvian behavior training response (in other words I leaved this lesson the hard way – over and over again) – i now see chocolate, anticipate pain, and stay as far away from it as I can.

02/18/2009 · 11:42 h by Happy cook

I love chocolate and these looks so delicious. Bookmarking them.

02/18/2009 · 11:52 h by Ben

Hmmm chocolate! I could eat it every single day for the rest of my life in different forms and would never tire of it. I love your dessert. It is so nice to see you making more desserts, especially when they involve chocolate! :p

02/18/2009 · 14:40 h by Yaelian

Nice knowing I am not a chocolate addict but just a chocolate lover! I could not live without chocolate! Your chocolate cream looks so delicioso!

02/18/2009 · 15:20 h by pigpigscorner

I want a cup please!!!

02/18/2009 · 20:33 h by katiez

As far as chocolate is concerned mon mari and I are the perfect couple for a box of chocolates: he likes milk; I like plain.
I love, love Spanish hot chocolate!!!!

02/18/2009 · 23:12 h by Nathan

YUM! It’s like a chocolate flavored Natilla with a vanilla flavored Natilla, guess in english it would be “Vanilla and Chocolate Pudding with Chocolate Covered Peanuts”

I’ve made a chocolate coconut flavored Natilla before, it was SINFUL!

Ugh and I’m with you I hate food myths, my grandmother always attacks me, “Comes mucha comida muy caliente por eso tienes acne te e dicho que no comas tanta carne de puerco” I tell her, “Anda’pa l’Habana que e tratao de todo!”

02/19/2009 · 5:11 h by Mallory Elise

ooooooh too fun! i bloody love chocolate, well, who doesn’t, and damn i love johny depp as well! but, meh, who doesn’t!

great photography :)

02/19/2009 · 15:55 h by Maria

Great post, lovely pictures, and delightful dessert Nuria. Loved the video of pics — the little one seems to have devoured that chocolate dessert!!

02/19/2009 · 17:19 h by JennDZ - The Leftover Queen

Wow, Nuria! These photos are just so tantalizing! YUMMMMM. I love all the info on chocolate too! :)

02/19/2009 · 19:42 h by Núria

Muchas gracias Peter! Coming from you… it’s more than a compliment :D. Thanks!

Oh Laurie, how awful you cannot have chocolate! Migraines are so painful… if you say it affects you, then it affects you. Everybody is different!

Thanks Happy Cook and welcome to Spanish Recipes :D

And there’s many more to come Ben!!! Me encanta :D

Thanks so much Yaelian :D. Yeah, 15 kilos per day is just too much!

Ok pigpigscorner, it’s on its way ;D

Hola Katie! too many coincidences… my husband likes it plain, I like it milky! We should meet one day in Andorra :D

Nathan, I want to meet your abuelita or Tata… why don’t you make a post about her with some pictures and her fave recipe? Ask her if she wants anything from here… if it’s light and not too expensive, I can send it over to her. Qué te parece?

Hola Mallory! Not a bad taste at all ;D. I could also have him for breakfast with some chocolaty peanuts :D. Thanks!

Maria, the little one finally cleaned the plate… I couldn’t stop taking pictures, it was great seeing her eating the chocolate with such a delight!

Tantalizing… what a musical word… I’m running to the translator ;D. Thanks Jenn!

02/20/2009 · 2:59 h by Passionate About Baking

I need a bib here Nuria…droolicious chocolate! What a delicious post!!

02/20/2009 · 17:19 h by Nathan

I should probably next month or in a couple montsh (I’ll have to give her a thorough interview she is SOOOOO MYSTERIOUS!)

Me parece bien.

I’ll let you know when I do :)


I just thought of something with your recipe, can you imagine delicious chocolate coated espresso beans on this OMG HEAVEN!

02/20/2009 · 22:12 h by glamah16

Gimme, gimme please!

02/21/2009 · 1:03 h by Maria Jose

Que ricooooooo, y las fotos son ua psada.

02/22/2009 · 2:20 h by Tracey

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHH! Love this post,Nuria…chocolate being one of my fav things!

02/22/2009 · 4:52 h by we are never full

i love the presentation! this looks sweet but not TOO sweet (if that makes sense). also, i think that chocolate is good for you so i don’t believe in any of those myths. cacao is a natural ingredient and anything natural has to have some nutritional value!

02/22/2009 · 6:37 h by Karen Brown Letarte

Hi, Nuria! I wanted to thank you for all your encouragement, and tell you that I gave you an award! You can pick it up on my blog.



02/22/2009 · 20:31 h by Bellini Valli

I have my chocolate concoction all ready to join you. Pull up a chair and turn the movie on!!

02/23/2009 · 4:10 h by Antonio Tahhan

no hay nada mejor q el chocolate :)
pero como es q no tienes chocolate el rey (de venezuela)??? aunq lindt es rico tambien :)
I bet this would also be great with chocolate covered coffee beans and of course a little shot of espresso ;)

02/24/2009 · 2:13 h by Dragon

You’re making my mouth water with these tempting creations!

02/26/2009 · 8:38 h by Núria

Dear friends, thank you all for your comments and suggestions :D.

02/28/2009 · 20:08 h by janetching

Hi Nuria, this is awesome. Thanks for the chocolate history. I am craving for chocolate recently, can I have a cup : )

03/03/2009 · 1:54 h by StickyGooeyCreamyChewy

You’ve convinced me, Nuria! From now on, I will eat lots of chocolate every day! ;)

Your dessert looks soooo delicious! And the photos are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

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