Dec 30
Meat & poultry | Traditional Spanish Recipes
Carn d’Olla – Pilota – Christmas Meatball
I know I’m a bit late for this but I just wanted to let you know step by step how we do the Carn d’Olla – Pilota – Christmas Meatball. You can have a big one or just medium or small ones.
The Christmas Meat Broth contains: A good piece of veal tender meat, 4 body chicken bones, 2 chicken breasts and 2 chicken legs, 200 grs. of cleaned chicken gizzards, 2 pork feet, 1 pork belly, 2 salty pork bones, 1 ham leg bone, 1 dried pork bone, 250 grs. chickpeas, 1/2 cabbage, 5 carrots, 4 leeks, 5 celery root branches, black pork sausage and 600 grs. pork meatball.
Clean all ingredients and place in a huge pot, except the black pork sausage, the pork meatball and the cabbage. Cover all with tap water or mineral water (always better second choice). Start boiling and take the white foam away, then turn heat low and have it convered and boiling for 3 to 4 hours. It should be a gentle soft boil. Half an hour before it’s finished add the cabbage, the pork sausage and the meatball. Let it cool down.
To make the meatball, follow these instructions:
The pork meat should be grinded, add some salt, some black pepper, 2 eggs, 2 garlic cloves (cut in very small pieces) and some parsley.
Mix it all.
Have some bread from 2 or 3 days ago, take only the inside white part and have it soaking in milk. When the bread has absorbed all the milk, take it with your hands and squeeze it until all the milk is gone.
Then add the bread to the meat mixture.
Have some flour ready and do the meatballs with the meat mass.
Ready to dive into the meat broth. Half an hour is enough for them to cook.
Your meatballs look great. And I love the little cutey on your Christmas post. That soup looks so good – I used to eat it a lot in Andorra!
Thanks Katie! The Galets Soup is one of my favorites!!!
Hi Nuria
I came to this post through your squid and meatball post – my computer refuses to allow me to comment there, so I’ll comment here instead. Meatballs and squid separately are each terrific – but together, they sound mind-blowing!
BTW, I love you blog, I just have trouble getting into it so can’t visit as often as I’d like. Love the flavours that you put together!
Hola Cakelaw! Thanks for your kind words! You would like this dish, c’mon try it!!! :D
I don’t know why sometimes I also get troubles visiting other people’s blogs… ????
My computer seems to have its own ideas too!!!
I am a little late, but I have a box of Galets de Nadal in the lote from my husband’s company that I should cook!
Thanks Nuria!! Your recipes are always a welcome addition to the kitchen of a new Spanish resident!!