Jun 13
MELÓN CON JAMÓN. And how to become a Daring… Plumber!
My kitchen’s sink tap just broke! A piece of it stayed screwed to the sink and the rest in my hand. You don’t really know how much one thing is worth until you miss it, right? Lunch time is getting near and my parents will be here in 1 hour. Calling the insurance plumber might be a solution but they will get here in 1 or 2 hours and charge me for the service. Looking for a plumber in the yellow pages might take longer and it will surely be more expensive… Even if the work takes less than 1 hour they will charge for 1 hour plus transport!
… And I think… why not become a Daring Plumber? There I go to the nearest hardware store (5 minutes walking) and I find this kitchen tap for 45 Euros (the cheap one, there’s still another one worth 75 Euros).
Back home, I empty the space under the sink. Do you also accumulate things that you forgot were there for years? I lay on my back and over the floor, insert my head in that space and look up where the tap is screwed to the sink. My arm is completely stretched and I hardly get there… somehow I manage to unscrew the tap.
First part successfully accomplished… he, he… who wants a plumber for?
The tap has two other pipes that supply the cold and hot water. Ok, that’s easy, first I close the two little taps under the sink that connect to the water supply and unscrew the two nuts.
Done with the first one and when I’m half way with the second, a splash of water hits my face!!! The little bastard is half loose!!! Where is the main water tap in the house????? I can’t remember… I call my husband who starts laughing at me and tells me where it is… meanwhile a little lake is growing under my sink… I run to the garage and turn the tap off. Uf, uf, uf.
Upstairs again and the rest is so easy :D… He, he! Standing up to see my work of art. It works!!! I made it! I’m a Daring Plumber!!! The crowd raises from their chairs and cheers and shouts and I bow and smile :D
Don’t I deserve something delicious and easy to prepare? And the answer is YES! I may have saved 100 Euros… he, he. So happy about that.
So here you have my beloved readers, fellow bloggers and other Internet creatures…
Don’t tell me you don’t have Iberian Acorn Ham, you can always use a Cured one, but those of you who want the REAL thing, it’s just a click away from you!!!! Reserva Iberica has the best selection of Hams; it’s where I bought mine :D. Become a Daring Plumber and you will have the perfect excuse to buy some Iberian acorn Ham with the money you saved!
This is my entry for Giz and Psychgrad’s Tested Tried and True take two! Please head over their Equal Opportunity Kitchen blog and participate in the Event. There’s still plenty of time ahead. There will be wonderful prizes and it’s for such a good cause: Organ Donation.
I’m sure my morning’s exercise consumed more than 165 calories! More than a fair deal!
The recipe is as easy as: Buy a ripe melon and place in the fridge. Buy 150 to 200 grs. of Iberian Acorn Ham finely sliced. When the melon is fresh, cut it, take the seeds away and serve with the Ham on. As easy as this!!!! Serves 4.
* 300 grs. of Melon is 1/3 of the fruits we should have daily and it's approximately only 80 calories.
* 50 grs. of Ham is half the quantity we can have of protein food during lunch or dinner and 1/5 of our daily amount. 50 grs. of Ham are aprox. 85 calories. The white grease that comes with the Ham is "good fat". There's absolutely no problem eating it and on top is good for your health :D
oh, the dreaded space beneath the sink! I’ve been meaning to go through it for ages! lol
Nuria! The wonder woman of plumbing…LOL Good on you for having the courage to fix it. Your ensalada de jamon con melone is so beautiful. An absolute favourite.
I ate this is Spain and I LOVE it. It is my favourite food in the world. Some times we can buy it here in Australia.
Hola Maryann :D. I found some orchideas fertiliser that I haven’t used for… I don’t know how many years!!!
I’m so proud I succeeded Peter :D! Thank you darling… you are welcome to my table :D
Isn’t it good Barbara? And so refreshing… plus no work behind… Perfecto!!! :D
So, you do find Iberian Acorn Ham in Australia? Great!!!
Lovely combination. Nuria, I have tagged you.
Hola Ivy! We’ll see what this one is about :D
Hola Nuria. I just had to say something quickly before as I had to rush to work, so I am back and trying to relax and visit some friends. Your post was so nicely written that I have this huge smile on my face, imaging you under the sink he,he,he! You are right about the plumbers and it’s the same here in Greece. Just for the most simple job they’ll charge you 50 Euros and you have to wait for a week for them to come.
Congrats on your daring plumbing, Nuria!
And I love ham and melon, although I guess I’ve more often had it with proscuitto. I’ll have to try it with Iberian ham.
Great morning for you! I hope you enjoyed lunch with your parents.
Yeah Nuria!!! Can you come and fix my toilet???
Great entry!
Nuria, doesn’t Bob Marley have a song where he sings, “We’re Jamon, we’re Jamon…hope you like Jamon too”!
Jamon contrasted by the sweet honeydew melon…I will do your plumbing for Jamon, please!
You cracked me up with this one, Nuria. I know what you mean. I’ve had my share of plumbing disasters and wrote about a singing plumber who came to our house last year. Have a happy weekend! :)
I think I’m going to have to buy you a “Super Plumber” shirt and cape and you can fly through town with a pipe in one hand and a wrench in the other. Can you see it now?
Thank you so much for the delightful entry to Tried Tested and True Two. Melons are my very favourite fruit and these are very low in calories and so juicy. I can taste them now.
You really are Wonder Woman Nuria… Cooks exceptional meals without a hitch, photographs beautiful photos and now fixes kitchen sinks:D
He, he… you are so right to laugh at me Ivy :D I see that you get the picture!!!! After fixing it, I went straight to the shower!
Thanks so much Jen! Yeah, I did enjoy the rest of the day ;-)… and the lunch!!!
Sure Judy! Just have one of those supernatural sandwiches you make on the table ;-)
Hola darling Peter! Maybe for this post I would have said… no woman no cry! :D… I haven’t heard the one you sing… or are you kidding me?
That picture is hilarious Giz!!!! I like it :D
It’s a pleasure to participate in your event darling :D
Hola Val! He, he, there’s a saying here that goes: “having a goal is not the same as reaching that goal”. But, in my case, I reached it :D And that feels soooooo good!
Hi Nuria!
Yeah I’ve been there as well, standing in the kitchen with a piece of my tap in my hands and then being sprayed by the water, which is shooting out of the broken tap…
I’ve known this recipe ever since I was a little kid. My family used to go to the Provence, the South of France every year, where this is a very typical starter dish. But they use the locally produced Cavaillon-melon, which is light green on the outside and orange on the inside and they serve it with a dry, prosciutto-style cured ham. Absolutely delicious and one of my favorites ever since I had it as a kid.
You know what’s also done very often and equally tempting? The adult version of melon; the French (and Belgians) will simply cut cavaillon in half, scoop out the seeds and gunk in the middle so that you get a bowl. In the center hole you pour an apéritif liquor such as Pineau de Charentes, or my absolute favorite: a real, slightly sweet Porto. Really, really good for those late summer nights spent outside.
Thanks Nuria!
(btw i’m starting my Belgian recipes soon!)
Hi Josmans :D. Welcome to Spanish Recipes!!! Hey so nice you left such a long and informative comment :D
I still have to travel to Belgium… would love to see Bruges for example!
Hey… I know the Porto version… MMmmm a delish!!! I’ll visit your blog to see what you come up with :D
Oooh that looks good! I love sweet and salty things together.
Haha, you want to come here to fix my dishwasher? It works alright, but emits the most WRETCHED smell. I’ll feed you lunch and give you unlimited glasses of sweet tea if you can figure that one out for me? ;) lol
Nuria you are my hero :D!!! Sure you deserve this delicious snack.
Hola Ley! Seems to me like a fair deal :D… coming over next week, lol!
He, he, thanks Lore :D
oh, girl… you know i’ve got iberico on my mind (and on my table – ha ha ha). delicious… a perfect pairing.
Wow! That ham sure looks good! We’ can’t get ham that good here, even at the best stores!
You know what I would love to see Amy? The picture of your face in pure extassy when you eat that ham ;-)
Hola Familia Cazorla Wood! Bienvenidos a Spanish Recipes!!! Your two family names are so well paired :D. I hope you enjoy my blog…
Have you tried the Iberian Acorn ham that La Tienda has? It should be great!
Way to go Daring Plumber! And you deserved this delicious treat and more after your accomplishments. :)
Plumbing scares me. I reall need to learn how to fix some things myself to save money.
Well done on the plumbing!!!!
That melon goes so perfectly with the jamon…
And we can’t get it here. I have to suffer with Bayonne ham (the local stuff) and small, Cavaillon melons (the orange ones)
Sigh… (hehehe)
Oh querida! And you are afraid of becoming a Daring Baker? WHY? Hehe. I love your story and your food. they always put a smile on my face.