Jan 25
Charcuterie | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes
Pork Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Saturday AM
Today the wind is so strong here that the park in front of the house looks desolate, 3 trees have been uprooted, some leaves, papers and bird’s nests furiously fly in the air.
I should get dressed and go for the bread and newspaper but I’m a bit scared… should I fill my pockets with stones? What if the wind blows me away as a dishevelled Mary Poppins?
A strong wind is one of the meteorological phenomena that scares me the most! I feel like anything could beat me any time! Oh, I got it! Maybe I should go for the newspaper with my ridding helmet on :D.
The blinds beating against our windows woke me up and I couldn’t go back to sleep… I hate waking up early on a Saturday morning!!!
The view of the park in front of my kitchen window. Two trees have been beaten down to the floor. The whole park has had 9 uprooted trees and some more have many branches broken.
So, to get in a good mood, here I am blogging about my Pork stuffed Cabbage rolls, simple, easy and delicious daily cooking :D. I’m sending this over to Simona from Briciole and her Fresh Product of the Month: Cavolo – Cabbage, if you want to participate too, you are still on time! Go and check :D.
Saturday PM
My brother and sister, whom live in a village surrounded by forests called me from their cellulars phones… the electric fluid is non existing, trees have fallen over the houses, the roads are cut, fix phones don’t work, 2 men died when trying to lift and carry away from the road a fallen tree; they didn’t notice another tree falling over them. One of them was a friend of my sister.
In another village nearby, 4 kids died when the ceiling and walls of the sport hall fell apart.
This was never seen here! Not only Catalonia has been affected, the north of Spain has had 14 meters high waves. The emergency help is collapsed. We are all in shock!
You can see what happened at Lavanguardia.es
Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 cabbage, 1 big onion, minced pork meat (250 grams), 1 teaspoon of sweet ground paprika, 1 tablespoon of sugar, olive oil, salt and black ground pepper. Optional: some slices of Butifarra negra, or slices of baked potatoes and a sauce to fit your taste.
- Separate and clean the outer cabbage leaves. Prepare a big pot with boiling salty water and drop the leaves in for only 1 minute. Refresh in a bowl with water and ice cubs. Drain and reserve.
- Clean and cut the rest of the cabbage (1 cm. dices) and boil in salty water for 10 minutes aprox. Drain and reserve.
- Chop the onion and fry in a sauce pan with some olive oil at medium heat until it gets a bit golden, then add the minced meat. Stir and fry until the meat gets golden and ad the cabbage. Stir a bit more, add some salt, black ground pepper, paprika and sugar. Stir and Reserve out of the heat.
- Preheat oven at 180 ºC.
- Lay the cabbage big leaves on a clean surface and fill with 2 spoon table of the meat mixture. Roll them and place in an oven recipient (previously rubbed with some olive oil). Pour some olive oil over the rolls and place in the oven for 10 minutes.
- Present the rolls over some baked potatoes or some butifarra negra. Also you can make a sauce and pour some over.
Be careful no to get blown away chica! Love the cabbage rolls Nuria…the cabbage is a lovely green!
The weather situation and the resultant injuries and deaths is terrible. I had not heard about it. I hope by now there is a calm in the air. Stay safe. Quedate en la cocina!
Sorry to hear about the terrible weather Nuria. Does sound frightening. Take care & be safe; hope your family in the village stays safe too. My thoughts are with you.
These rolls are very interesting & done up so neatly & beautifully. I thought they were grape leaves intially, but cabbage lends a new flavour for me. YUM!!
This is terrible news Nuria. It is one thing when property is damaged in a storm but it saddens me when people are injured or worse.Let’s hope there is no more loss. In the meantime I enjoyed reading about your cabbage dish and will see what I can come up with in the way of a cabbage dish.
PS. Thank you also for featuring us in your Favourite Events section on your side bar. Kisses!!
Terrible news about the weather devastation. I am thinking of you and your countrymen and women.
We had the same phenomenon a few days ago and I couldn’t sleep all night. I am sorry to hear that there were casualties. We have a dish in Greece called lahanodolmades with avgolemono sauce, which is similar but this sounds delicious as well.
Nuria that is just terrible, has the weather ever been like that before? Maybe it’s the effect of global warming. Where I live the weather never get’s that ugly but recently it has been weird not dangerous but on some day’s of January it would get really hot even though it’s winter, then the next day cold mornings with grey rainy looking skies but then it’s still hot and grey. Then eventually it rained the crappy weird weather made me sick I have a big cold and haven’t been blogging (to lazy to take pictures and started school, have homework and such) Well I hope you stay safe and nothing happens to anymore people.
Back to the food, those cabbage rolls look wonderful, we make those in my house to, though seasoned different but still the same way as you, cabbage rolls are delicious! Nice recipe. So what sauces do you serve it with?
Nuria, I am surprised and delighted that cabbage is also in the Spanish cuisine..Yay!
You also have a lovely view from your kitchen to inpsire your cooking.
Hola Peter! Thank God, now it’s over… but my brother and sister still need to get fixed!
Ai Joan, me quedaré agarrada a la cazuela más grande ;D. It’s been horrible, good it’s now over!
Hola Deeba, thanks for your concern! I never use grape leaves… I should find some :D
Hola Valli. Thanks for your kind words guapa! Thank God is over now. Woods have been destroyed like nothing!!!! It’s been amazing! Of course I am featuring you at my Favourite Events bar!!!!!
Thanks so much Rachel. We are all fine… but it was very scaring! Those families are going through a hard time… horrible.
Hola Ivy, thanks so much girl! I didn’t hear about the Greek wind… What is going on with the weather???????
I think I have seen your dish with your grape leaves… very similar :D
Hola Nathan, hope you recover from the cold soon!
We are fine and the wind is over… but nobody had seen that before here!!!!!!! It had the strengh of a hurricane… totally unusual!!!!! Big trees were uprooted like nothing… houses have been damaged, people died… horrible!
Concerning the dish, now I’m adding romesco to all my dishes… it’s the time for it and I made some at home, canned and it fits nearly all dishes :D
Thanks Peter! I know they look a bit like your grape rolls :D
You guys had some crazy weather, but good to see your OK. Cabbage rolls are so universal and comforting. Good choice to keep you grounded and calm.
I’m glad to hear that the extreme weather situation is over. I hope things return to normal for your siblings.
The cabbage rolls sounds healthy and delicious! I’m so sorry to hear about the bad weather and the accidents! I hope everything is well now with you and your family and your friends.
Oh, Nuria, I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re all going through. I hope it’s calmed down.
The cabbage rolls are lovely – I put rice in mine, as well as the pork and onions, etc.
See, this is why you need to learn to make bread – then you can read the paper via internet and smell your bread baking. ;-)
That’s terrile, but I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay. Your cabbage rolls looks great. I love really love stuffed/rolled things because there’s a little surprise in each one.
I hope the situation has gotten better by now. Two years ago we lost a lot of big, old trees around our house, but the building was spared. And the loss of human life is always a tragedy.
Thanks for your recipe. Cabbage rolls are a lot of fun. They require a bit of work, but the result is satisfying.
What a terrible storm with horrible consequences. Very sad. As for the cabbage roll, I’ve never met a filled food of any kind that I didn’t like. Your rolls look really tasty!