Oct 19
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Cuttlefish with Potatoes
•Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 big onion, 1 garlic clove, 6 potatoes, 3 ripe tomatoes, 1 cuttlefish, ¼ glass of white dry wine, water, salt, 300 grams of clams.
•Drop some olive oil in the pot and when it starts heating add the onion and garlic, when the onion gets transparent, add the cuttlefish cut in little squares.
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•When the cuttlefish changes its colour (aprox. 20-30 minutes),
•Add the tomatoe sauce.
•Stir and cook at medium-low fire.
•When the tomatoes lose their water and change into an olily texture…
•Add the water and the potatoes. Make sure the water covers the potatoes.
•Meanwhile smash in a mortar the following ingredients: 12 hazelnuts, 1 garlic clove, parsley, ¼ of a glass of dry white wine and salt.
•When the potatoes are nearly cooked, add the clams and stir.
•When the clams open up, add the mortar mixture to the pot and keep cooking for the last 5 minutes.
•Let it rest for 5 more minutes and it will be ready.