May 19
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Butifarra’s Omelette
What is it that makes someone sad or low down when it has all necessities covered? Is it the weather? Is it a bad feeding? Is it… is it… What’s wrong with me today? I have everything I need, I’m in good health, nothing is wrong in my life… but still, I feel low down.
Today is a grey and cloudy day. I should be happy because it’s been raining lately and our water reserves have improved. I should be happy today because I will go to the supermarket and fill my fridge and tomorrow will go to the market and fill my pantry. I should be happy because I am healthy and so is my family. See? I just give for granted all these things, but one day you have it all and the next you don’t. My thoughts and heart are with all the Chinese and Burmese people suffering the consequences of the devastating earthquake and cyclone.
I should be grateful for the life I have! So, with this in mind, let’s prepare a dish that will give my body chemical strength and will help me see the bright side of life!
Therefore the special dressing today is: Always look at the bright side of life, from Monty Python (turn player on)
Ingredients for 4 servings: 2 butifarras (catalan pork sausage), 300 grs of fresh spinach, 50 grs of pine nuts, 4 big eggs, 1 onion, salt and olive oil.
- Pour some olive oil in a new saucepan, when it’s hot, add the butifarras that you have emptied before and fry the meat, when golden, add the pine nuts and after 1 minute add the chopped onion.
- In a pot with some salty water add the clean spinach and let boil for 2 minutes. Strain and reserve. Make sure you take all the water away.
- Meanwhile beat the eggs in a big bowl and add some salt.
- When the onion is transparent and soft, add the spinach and stir for 30 seconds. Take all saucepan ingredients and put them in the eggs bowl. Make sure you leave the oil in the pan.
- Stir the mixture.
- With the help of a strainer pour the oil of the sauce pan in a cup. Clean the sauce pan and add the oil back. Make sure all the surface is oily and add the eggs mixture with medium heat.
- Spread the omelet evenly in the sauce pan and cook while shaking a bit the pan so that it doesn’t get adhered to the surface. After 2 minutes aprox, and with the help of a big plate flip the omelet upside down and cook the other side.
To see if it’s completely done, insert a toothpick and when it comes out clean it means that it’s cooked.
We like it a bit juicy in the inside… MMmmmmm and also we prefer it cold or at room temperature. The bunch of ingredients used to cook it will surely cheer you up and give you strength for a “hard-day-blogging”!!! ;-)
I’m sending this recipe: Butifarra’s Omelette to Kalyn’s kitchen and her famous weekly event: Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted this week by Cate from Sweetnicks
Spinach are supposed to give your body strength because they are rich in iron. Pine nuts will give your brain some extra energy to face a hard day and will be good for your heart. Onion will help your blood circulation system and the eggs and pork meat will supply you with proteins.
What else do I need to feel fortunate in this world? :D
Oh Nuria! You speak words of wisdom…its so true. As humans we are never happy about what we have and we should be grateful. We have health, food and roofs over our heads and the love of our familias. Your tortilla is a very inspiring dish and I hope your mood picks up amiga!
It’s easy to know we should feel fortunate, but not as easy to actually feel it some days.
Hope today is brighter!
The omelette looks absolutely delicious.
We all have days when we’re feeling blue Nuria. As long as you see all that you do have tomorrow will be a better day:D I think that this delicious meal and a walk or drive will have done trick:D
Thanks Peter! I should be heading to your blog this afternoon, haven’t visit for some days :D. Gosh!!! always running!!!!
Jen, you are so right!!! Thank you sweetie♥
Yes Val, a good walk always helps :D Thank you darling♥
We all have our days, even you, upbeat, sweet Nuria. Thanks for remindng me today of all the things I have ti be gratefyl for in my life.
Hugs and Kisses – beautoful omelette too! :)
a positive attitude. the omelette looks simply divine!
We can’t all feel sunshine all the time – it’s okay to feel slumpy once in awhile! We can’t appreciate ups without downs.
Girls… ♪you are the sunshine of my life ♫. Thanks Jenn, Meeta and Heather for your words!!! Today I feel up there again :D
If you are feeling up there again, your great omelette must have something to do with that ;) That’s what I call an omelette on steroids (in a good way of course). Love it!
Maaaaaaaadre Míaaaa! Qué tortilla mas rica, mi niña! :) It’s a good reminder to be thankful for what we have…especially when we’re feeling down. (((hugs))) y un besín preciosa.
Your tortilla would get me out of the doldrums in a hurry!
You are so right Nuria. I always feel sad and guilty watching the news with all those victims of the earthquake and the cyclone and we blog about food and have everything and we still complain.
Welcome to Spanish Recipes Lore! Thanks for your kind words and yes I guess the omelet helped to bring me up again… that and all your warm comments :D
Muchas gracias Nikki! Eres un SOL :D. Besos and hugs for you t♥♥
Thanks darling Susan!
Ivy… we humans are impossible! And too much money spent on wars :(
I really hope this meal has cheered you up Nuria. It sure isn’t fun when we feel like that but I think it helps us appreciate when we feel good! Wonderful looking dish.
boy that looks good Nuria! and loved your writeup too:)
btw, I’m hosting a Monthly Mingle event on my blog this month, and it would be great if you could participate! please check the details here
What’s so very special about what you wrote is that a) we all get down but that b) you have an awareness of what you need to be grateful for and you bring it to the surface of your consciousness. You bring yourself to the present and that means you have a healthy mind.
I’ll send you my bill at the end of the month :)
Hola Mansi! Thank you darling, I’ll go to your place and see about your event :D
He, he! Giz, you are too funny!!!! And you made a good analysis there :D. I guess you like Woody Allen’s movies ;-)
Always look at the bright side of life girl!!!! See? Everything shines again :D
What a wonderful post, Nuria. And the food. Oh my, the food! Looks SO good. :)
Thanks so much Elly! You are welcome anytime :D
Love this dish, Nuria :)
Such a wonderfully positive post, and a delicious sounding dish too.
Hey Kalyn! So nice to see your face in my blog… and so honoured!!! :D. Welcome to Spanish Recipes! So glad you liked my entry to your Event.