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Walnut Pie – My first Pie!!!

Would you call this a Pie? The catalan recipe said “Pa de pesic” which translated would be Bread of pinch. However, the ones I bought in the shop are spongy and more inflated than mine. The taste wasn’t bad at all, but there’s a lot to do with the texture, the recipe had 2 teaspoons of yeast… maybe I should add a 3rd one on my next pie :D.
Following the recipe has been the easiest! No complicated steps, handy ingredients, the best choice for my 1st pie!

Ingredients: 200 grs of butter, 200 grs of flour, 150 grs of sugar, 100 grs of peeled walnuts, 2 teaspoons of yeast, 4 eggs.

  • Smash the walnuts with the help of a food processor. Reserve.
  • When the butter is soft and tender, mix it with the sugar until you get an homogeneous paste.
  • Add the eggs, one by one, while whisking manually or with the food processor.
  • In a different bowl mix the flour with the yeast and the walnuts and add to the eggs/butter/sugar mixture. With a silicone spoon or spatula mix all ingredients until you get an homogeneous paste.
  • Preheat oven at 180ºC. (only with the lower heat).
  • I used a silicon mold and poured all paste inside. This molds are great because the stuff never gets adhered to its walls.
  • Bake during 30 minutes aprox. Depending on the oven and mold it could vary.

I’m sending this Pie to Ivy from Kopiaste to her Sweet Pies Event! Do you also have a pie you want to share? Or any birthday parties to attend and no recipe? Tired to bake the same pie always? Head over to Ivy’s and find the best selection there :D


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10/17/2008 · 12:52 h by Peter M

Chica, over here this would be called a cake but it would also be called delicioso!

I too have to start posting more sweet things but you on the other hand, are sweet enough!

10/17/2008 · 13:00 h by Peter G

Interesting Nuria! I love walnuts and this is a perfect entry for Ivy’s event.

10/17/2008 · 13:44 h by Dee

I’d just call it delicious :) What an unconventional entry!

10/17/2008 · 13:51 h by Ben

Amiga! Felicidades por tu primer pie! I knew you could do it, baking is not difficult after all, is it?

10/17/2008 · 14:03 h by Bellini Valli

There are such things as crustless pies…but no matter what you want to call this it looks delicious and moist!!

10/17/2008 · 14:19 h by RecipeGirl

Congrats! Looks beautiful!

10/17/2008 · 14:26 h by Núria

Kalofagas, you are adorable :D. Thanks for your comforting words! Take the pie away from me… I could live on sweet words ;D.

Thanks Peter :D

Hola Dee! I’ll take unconventional as a compliment ;D… yeah, I guess it looks funny!

You are so right Ben! Next baking dish goes to your event, Amigo!

Thanks Valli! You are the professional here :D… your pies always leave me breathless!!!

Thanks so much Recipe Girl!

10/17/2008 · 14:48 h by maybelle's mom

what a great ‘pie’. I have never hear of this. And this seems awfully puffy, how much more are the ones in the shop?

10/17/2008 · 17:14 h by Ivy

Nuria, gracias queridos. In Greece we call this karydopita which means walnut pie. It looks delicious Nuria and thank you so much for being such a good friend.

10/17/2008 · 19:33 h by FOODalogue: Meandering Meals and Travels

Looks like we call a ‘sponge’ cake, especially if the one you saw in the store was more light and fluffy. It may be your first, but I’m sure it won’t be your last. Good job.

10/17/2008 · 21:26 h by Mallory Elise

sorry missy that ain’t no pie–you crazy??! hehe. its a cake, a bundt cake since it has the hole in the middle…

spaniards….sheesh. hehehehehe.


but I LOVE the first photo that place mat is adorable!!!

10/18/2008 · 2:19 h by StickyGooeyCreamyChewy

Pie, cake, bread, whatever you call it, it looks fantastic! Good for you for trying something new. That’s what it’s all about!

10/18/2008 · 8:56 h by Núria

Hola Maybelle’s mom. Yes, the photo makes no justice to the texture… as Joan says it should be more fluffy inside… it kind of looks, but it wasn’t what I expected :D

Ivy it’s always a pleasure to be there for friends!!!! Plus I had a great time baking and eating… what else can I ask for?

Aaaahhh! Thanks Joan… you are always so optimist :D, yes, it won’t be my last one ;D

Look at the señorita with the French accent!!! She knows it all about baking :D… He, he just kidding Mallory… of course you know better than me! Ok we’ll call this a walnut cake then ;D.
More animal place mats comming soon :D

Thanks Susan for your encouraging words and I agree with you… this is what it’s all about :D

10/18/2008 · 11:42 h by Maryann

Looks wonderful! :)

10/18/2008 · 12:21 h by The Blonde Duck

I would call it tasty and yummy! It looks so cool!

10/18/2008 · 13:27 h by Passionate About Baking

YAY for you Nuria…call a pie by any other name, this is a different typa pie…he he.. LOOKS GREAT! Never made a bundt with yeast…tell me if you make it again with more yeast. The pictures are pretty pretty pretty too. Congrats on your first pie! xoxox Deeba

10/19/2008 · 4:04 h by Nathan

In United States what you made is known as “Sponge Cake” (if it’s light) and if it was regular texture it would be called Bundt Cake due to the shape.

Here we associate pies with a round baking dish with a crust on the bottom and top and usually stuffed with a sweet fruit filling most popular being apples or “Apple Pie” the savory one’s are called “Pot Pies” and usually stuffed with meat and vegetables in a type of gravy sauce.

Hope I was informative. Just like you I’m not super knowledgable since I wasn’t raised or schooled around “Gringos”

10/19/2008 · 5:36 h by noobcook

doesn’t look like it’s your first pie because it looks good! scores full marks in both pie and cake category ;)

10/20/2008 · 17:17 h by Núria

Thanks Maryann!

Hola Blonde Duck! thanks for your kind words and welcome to my blog! You just gained the big prize: 2 cake slices for you ;D

thanks so much Deeba! Comming from you, I feel flattered! You are the master-Pie-maker ;D

Nathan… Thanks so much! Yes, you’ve been superinformativo ;D. Here in Catalonia we even have a bundt cake (the shape is like this) called “gipsy’s arm”!!!!!

Hey Noobcook! You also won the big Prize here: two free slices for you!!! Thanks darling :D

10/20/2008 · 19:15 h by Nathan

Gipsy’s Arm? Is it “Brazo Gitano” I thought it was like a cake roll like a flat cake that you spread something on then roll it up like a log.

Cuban’s make it with guava filling, or dulce de leche, even strawberry marmalade and cream cheese frosting makes me drool :)

10/22/2008 · 2:00 h by Susan from Food Blogga

I call it fabulous!

10/22/2008 · 7:48 h by Núria

Nathan, you are right… that is a brazo de gitano… Ai, ai, ai… don’t know what I was thinking of… well yes… I meant a tortell! That is a catalan one: round with hole in the middle, cut in half and filled with nata or crema… absolute heaven!

Thanks Susan :D

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