Apr 30
Eating Good, Feeling Good. Announcing a Bimonthly Event.
Some of you already know that I started a diet back in January. Being a Foodie, it’s been a bit harder but less than expected. I discovered how easy it is to follow healthy habbits and achieve great results! Since I started I lost 5 kilos gradually and combining an hypocaloric diet with some exercise.
So, this is what the Event will be about: Eating healthy, fresh, seasonal and variated food. This is not a diet though, it’s only a bunch of rules and good habbits to eat properly and at the same time enjoy meals.
The idea is to talk and post about every single food on the Food Pyramid. Also, and having in mind that I live by the Mediterranean, I’ll give you a list of the seasonal products and some recipes that can be performed using those products. I’m really excited about this new project and hope that you will be there participating and enjoying it with me ♥.
Every first month of the two, I will choose one ingredient and will talk about it in depth in the announcing post. I will give some advise about that special product, some nutritional tips and some urban myths that should be discarded. We will all learn how we can use the food pyramid products to improve our health.
You should all know I’m not a Doctor, nor a Dietitian but I’ve done a good research on the subject and will try to be as accurate as possible. However, you should always look for profesional’s advise when following a diet or when altering your food habbits.
How can you participate?
1.- I will post about the Ingredient at the beggining of month 1. From then until the end of the 3rd week of month 2, you have time to post a recipe(s) with the chosen ingredient in your blog (make it the main ingredient) and send me the information to this email: nuriafarregut@gmail.com; mentioning in the subject the name of the event and the ingredient chosen this time.
You should also mention the following:
- Your name
- Your blog’s name and URL
- The URL link of the post
- One picture of the recipe (max. 500 pixels wide)
6.- At the end of the year and right after the November/December roundup, I will choose (using a random method) 1 of the Eating Good Feeling Good year participant and send him/her a giveaway! The prize will be related to Spanish gastronomy. No matter where you live… you can get a Spanish Recipes giveaway :D
Ingredients list:
Olive oil ————————– from May 3rd to June 27th. Roundup last week of June.
Hala, pero qué dispuesta eres! Qué bien, espero tener hueco para participar!
Una idea muy buena, me gusta, espero poder participar. Me quedo esperando ese ingrediente!!!
Buen fin de semana.
I like this event and look forward to you announcing the first ingredient!
I actually feel that being a foodie and someone who enjoys cooking is a wonderful tool for dieting. Personally, I try to eat very healthy but always interesting foods and I don’t think I’d be able to do that if I didn’t love to cook so much! Also, the fact that there are not many foods I don’t like helps a lot too.
Congratulations to you! =D
Yeah, eating “healthy” is not hard… but it’s that easy either. Heheh.
As you know, I, too, try to eat very healthy…hee, hee, except for the pizza burger I just made but I did treat it in a more healthy way. :)
You can count on me to participate — and I’m always open to learning new things from the other participants.
Sounds exciting! Good for you to have already lost some of the pounds.