The bases
Romesco Sauce


The bases | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Romesco Sauce

Here you have the Queen of the Catalan Sauces: Romesco! It's perfect for meat, fish, rice, pasta, potatoes, vegetables.... anything! This time of year is the right moment to prepare it because… It's Calçots time!!! In case you wonder what a Calçot or Calçotada is, follow this ...

Winter Soup


Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | The bases | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Blog your Soup

In my opinion, some of the most joyful aromas you can smell during Winter time are: The burning wood’s smoke going through the village house’s chimmeneys. The scent of the pine trees while wandering through the Christmas street markets. The wonderful and comforting aroma of a winter boiling stock as you enter the ...


Others | The bases

OLIVE OIL – Eating Good Feeling Good Event

Olive oil is such a great representative of our Mediterranean gastronomy and culture. From my point of view, is one of the most important products we have. I don't think there's a single kitchen in Spain that doesn't have at ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | The bases

Lobsters Kitchen Outing and 3 Sauces.

Sometimes things are not as they seem!!! Pepe, Manolo and Juanito had a 8 to 10 minutes bath at the silvered jacuzzi ;D. The water was aromatized with 2 bay leaves, a small bunch of ...

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