Oct 19
Shy Omelet and more Eggs than you can imagine!
Jennifer made me think about this little book I bought many years ago for my little daughter: It has two titles… it all depends on which side you turn it: Per molts anys! and Bon profit! The first means: Happy birthday and the second Bon appetite, in Catalan.
You get a poem per month and a poem per meal. All dishes are typical Catalan/International. Unfortunately, the author is not with us anymore. Gràcies Miquel Martí i Pol!
This time my choice has been the Omelet. However, a plain omelet might be a bit boring, that’s why I call mine: Shy Omelet! Keep on reading and discover the hidden ingredients :D.
Kids will love the presentation and the sensation of pressing the little orange roe against their palates!
You can also use the egg’s original wrapper to serve them.
- Carefully crack the eggs shell and pour the content in a bowl. Clean the shells and reserve.
- Wash and dry the herbs and cut the parsley finely. Cut some chive in small pieces too and reserve some for decoration.
- Chop the anchovies in small pieces too.
- Whip the eggs and and the cream together. Prepare a sauce pan with one table spoon of olive oil and when it starts warming, throw the mix in. Stir with a wooden fork until it thickens.
- Then take away from the heat, keep on stirring and add the herbs and anchovies.
- Set the eggs over an appropiate dish and fill them with the mix. Dress with some salt and black ground pepper. Place the roe and the chive cuts over.
- Get your spoon and bread ready and... Bon Profit!
Thank you Nuria! Perfect timing for the recipe. I want to invite some people for brunch, but didn’t know what to serve. These charming eggs would provide a huge “wow” factor! And the book looks wonderful also. We need to add to our Catalan-language collections.
Gorgeous presentation :)
Such a fun post and dish Nuria. Such a unique way to serve natures “gold” in it’s original shell.
Beautiful and delicious Nuria! Very different ingredients for an omelletenut I am sure it all worked well here.
Loved the way you have poshed up the eggs, beautiful.
Oh! How very cute Nuria! I love the styling on the eggs…you have a very talented daughter!
Quina presentació! una recepte genial Nùria, t’ha quedat genial.
Sensational. You really need to open a restaurant. Excellent presentation.
These look really good Nuria, but the egg cases carry salmonella which is usually killed with cooking, so I would be a bit sceptical to serve these to my guests just in case. I have been eating raw eggs like for ever now and never had a problem (I like to lick the bowl), but I have just been lucky!
Thank you all! You are so sweet to me :D.
Food Junkie: I have learnt that salmonela can be avoided if the eggs’ shell don’t get moist or wet. That’s when the dirt outside can get inside the egg because it becomes permeable. So I keep them outside the fridge and clean them carefully with a brush. Nothing happened to us either!
Very creative recipe and presentation — though I think it’s much too sophisticated for kids (especially if they know the ‘secret’ ingredient). I, too, love coming up with different ways to serve eggs and I’ll definitely be adding some version of this to my repertoire.
Your presentation is beautiful! =)
gorgeous, GORGEOUS pictures, nuria! you just keep getting more and more creative. i love that you topped the egg w/ roe. we’ll be posting something soon (maybe) that is kind of similar but uses a different type of fishy product (bottarga) on top of eggs. it was a fabulous pairing so i can only imagine how lovely yours tastes!
really a beautiful presentation. gee I wonder what my kids would say if I put caviar on their eggs.
Wow, this is the most gorgeous presentations of eggs I have ever seen! These would be just perfect for my sophisticated 5 Star Foodie Junior :)
Such a beautiful presentation Nuria! Was it easy to get the egg out to eat without breaking the shell?
Regarding the comment from Giz — her kids probably wouldn’t have known what to do with caviar on eggs…
Oooooooooohhhhhhhh!!! ;) Quina presentació més original i bonica!! Gràcies per la idea! :)
Hi Nuria, this is so beautiful! I have some japanese fish roe, can use that to try out your recipe. It’s great to serve at dinner parties, your omelette makes me feel like eating in hotel!!! Looking at your dish make me wanting a little more, can have some truffle on top as a variation. Yummy! Well done!
BTW, do you use twitter or Facebook. there is a food blogger connect event on 28 Nov in london, here is the link for your consideration: http://lifesafeast.blogspot.com/2009/10/food-blogger-connect-party.html
The presentation is amazing and the book sounds very interesting, too. I am not a kid anymore but I’d sure love this breakfast :)
This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Nuria! WOW! I bet this would taste fantastic!
Nuria – what a lovely idea for brunch – SHY Omelet I love it. Thank you for the entry to the Monthly Mingle!
Nuria, muchos artisticos (is that how you say it);)
I love eggs and as you know, Europeans love their omelets for dinner most.
Gorgeous presentation! It brings omelets up to a whole new level and makes one feel like they’re in a high-class restaurant. Thanks for the recipe!
These are such beautiful photos, Nuria. No doubt, they’d elicit many, many ooohs and aaahs.
Fabulous presentation! It would make someone eat eggs even if they don’t like them!
Original and beautiful presentation. Fabulous photos! I really love your blog!