Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

Pumpkin Puree with Quail fried Egg

Yes, I’m going back to the Winter dishes. March is usually like this in Barcelona: one day looks like Spring and next day, temperatures go down and we have to get our thick coats on again.

My parents are coming home tomorrow for the day and I made this one specially for my dad. He loves pumpkins and my mom never prepares him a dish like this because pumpkins are not among her favourites and because she is the cook… need more leads? Hahahaha. Same thing here at home, I don’t like cheese… how many recipes with cheese involved can you find? Sorry about that ;D, but the one who’s in charge of the cooking is the one who decides the dishes… just like that.

My dad is lucky though because I do like pumpkins too! And this is such an easy and delicious recipe. Give it a try with or without the quail’s egg and enjoy the velvety texture.

This is the pumpkin I used. But for the recipe you only need half of it. Do you know that pumpkins, carrots, apricots, mangoes, sweet potatoes and french melons are rich in alpha and beta-carotene?. They will enhance your tan. Now that clothes will show more of your body you might be interested in having a nice tan ;D.



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03/11/2013 · 21:24 h by Peter G | Souvlaki For The Soul

This is lovely and bright and so colourful…love that orange of the pumpkin Nuria! The fried egg on top just makes it perfection!

03/12/2013 · 19:06 h by Anonymous

Wow this looks so delicious Nuria!! Will definitely try it! Pumpkin soup (grilled pumpkin…et al) is my all time favourite so I guess I am in luck ;-)

03/12/2013 · 23:40 h by bellini

It seems that in Spain, as they do in Italy, they call all squash “pumpkin”. To us this is a butternut squash, but no matter what we call it in any part of the world it does make a delicious soup chica!!!!!

03/13/2013 · 6:57 h by Tracey

Yummy….this looks and sounds delicious! I love the addition of the quail´s egg too!

03/13/2013 · 17:51 h by Anonymous

Que rico Nuria! A mi me encanta la calabaza! :) Sabes que puedes agregar Calabaza a los Potajes de cualquier alubia cortado en trozos medianos junto con las patatas queda riquisimo! Tambien si quieres un postre sencillo la puedes pelas cortas en trozos grandes y cocinarla en un almibar de azucar, agua, y canela en rama hasta que este tierna. Tambien me gusta al horno con aciete de oliva, sal y pimienta para accompa~ar cualquier comida :)


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