Jun 13
La mesa del Pecado
Getting your suitcase ready for the summer? Still don’t know which books you will take with you to read under the palm tree with a Martini by your side? Maybe you are packing your suitcase for a trip to some lost place where there will be no wifi connection, no television, no mobile phones… this is your chance to enjoy one of the best food books of the moment! La mesa del Pecado - The Sin’s table is an awesome recipes’ book which has been put together by 8 fantastic Spanish Food bloggers.
The Seven deadly Sins are the main theme of the book. Each sin suggests a recipe to each one of the bloggers. The outcome is outstanding with professional food photography and delicious wines’ marriages. The recipes list is generous and mouth drooling; I include some as an example:
For Greed: Alubias con Compango – Beans with its meats by Pamela Rodríguez from www.unodedos.com
For Envy: Empanadillas de queso ricotta y espinacas – Ricotta dumplings with spinach by Patricia García Py from www.saboresymomentos.es
For Gluttony: Bizcocho de chocolate con su cobertura – Chocolate cake with its coverage by Luisa Morón from www.cocinandoconmicarmela.com
For Anger: Bombas de patata picante – Spicy potatoe bombs by Miguel Ángel Roque from www.pimientosverdes.com
For Pride: Croquembouche by Miriam García from www.invitadoinvierno.com
For Sloth: Salmorejo Cordobés by Raquel Carmona from www.lostragaldabas.net
For Lust: Falso suflé de frutos rojos y champán – Fake red fruit soufflé with champagne by www.dimequeesviernes.com
And to get the sins balanced there are also recipes for their remedies: patience, generosity, charity, temperance, chastity, diligence, humility. I chose patience which is the main tool you need in your kitchen as an example.
For Patience: Risotto de Champiñones, remolacha y lubina – Mushroom risotto, beets and sea bass by Margot Serrano from www.margotcosasdelavida.com
So, don’t loose the opportunity to get this beautiful book! I found it at amazon, but you can also find it at La Feria del Libro in Madrid… it’s open until this Sunday!!! Only in Spanish for now.
Be a sinner and commit endless sins in your kitchen with La mesa del Pecado!!!
So, does it come in English translation? And the image for this post is AMAZING.
What a fun idea!
muchas gracias por esta mención. Bss
Nuria, thank you so much for your post! It´s fun to read an article about our book written in english!! Hopefully Larousse will consider the idea of translating in the near future!!
Huge hug!
Thanks Dina! You are my number one fan, ;D. Hopefully the editors will think about having it translated :D.
Yes Joan, it’s a great idea for a book. Let’s be sinful! ;D
De nada Luisa, un placer!!!!
Patry, you deserve it! Hopefully it will have an english version… it would be fantastic, wouldn’t it? Gran gran trabajo :D