Feb 02
Fish, seafood & shellfish | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes
Arroz con Bacalao – Arros amb Bacallà – Codfish Rice
You know that I love presenting my dishes in different ways, therefore, this dish will have two faced presentations: you can call the first one Codfish Rice Paella and present the Paella pan with the Rice in it, or rather call it Stuffed Artichokes with codfish rice and you have a savory seasonal dish (of course, you will need some extra artichokes too) :D. Completely up to you!
Either one or the other they both have some of my favourite ingredients, I could live on Cod, Rice and Artichokes… but this is not the Royal Foodie Joust and these are not the 3 ingredients for this month.
Artichokes are original from the Mediterranean and an important part of its famous diet. They have nearly no kcal. and lots of other benefitial and healthy features… Hey! Let’s eat Artichokes… they are in season now! Rice is a basic food all around the world and it’s a powerful source of energy. The Cod is rich in proteins and vitamins and also sodium.
Could this dish be healthier? Yes, I didn’t talk about the rest of ingredients, but you will have to trust me ;D.
And that’s why I’m sending over this post to Meeta from What’s for lunch Honey? and her Monthly Mingle: Healthy Family Dinners. There’s still time to send your proposals to Michelle from What’s Cooking Blog who is hosting the event this month.
The recipe also goes to APS Rice to Anita’s Kitchen Event.
Let’s put our aprons on and to the kitchen!
Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grs of Bomba rice, 400 grs of desalted codfish, 3 artichokes for the rice paella and 8 more for the stuffing, 4 piquillo peppers, 1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, some fresh parsley, 3 tablespoons of canned fried tomatoe, olive oil and salt.
- Start the sofrito in a big pan (a paella is perfect. Like the one in the pictures). Pour a bit of olive oil and throw the onion in (previously peeled and cut in small dices). Stir and let it get transparent.
- Meanwhile, take 3 artichokes and discard the greener leaves. Put them inside a bowl with water and some lemon drops. Strain, dry and cut the tips of the leaves and slice in half centimeter portions. Throw into the pan and stir with the onion.
- When the artichoke starts to get some colour, add the garlic clove (peeled and cut in small pieces). When it's fragant, add the piquillo peppers cut in strips. Stir some more at low/medium heat.
- This time I bought my desalted codfish frozen. I previously defrozed it.
- Prepare a big pot and pour 900 grs of water inside, when it boils, add the codfish, and when it boils again turn heat off and take away from the heat. Don't throw the water away. Take the codfish out of the pot and with your fingers separate the slices of the fish. Reserve.
- Going back to the paella pan, add the tomatoe and stir until the sofrito is finished.
- Have the cod water boiling so that when throwing the rice in the paella we can immediately use it.
- So, throw the rice in and stir with a wooden spoon, let it cook for 1 minute aprox. Pour nearly all the cod water in, stir and let cook strong the first 5 minutes, then cook at low/medium heat for 10 minutes, add the codfish and stir some more. Taste and add salt if necessary. After that when there's nearly no water, smash the other garlic in a mortar and smash the parsley too, add some oil and salt and pour over the rice. Cover with a lid and keep away from the heat. Leave the rice covered for another 5 minutes.
- If during the process you need more water because it gets too dry, add some more.
- For the stuffed Artichokes: Clean the rest of artichokes and put inside a pot. Half cover with water and pour some salt and extra virgin olive oil in each one. Cover the pot and let it boil at medium heat until the water dissapears. Then, let them cool down, take the center leaves apart and stuff with the rice. Pour some drops of extra virgin olive oil on top.
This looks so delicious – I’ve been meaning to cook more Spanish/Catalan rice dishes and this is a good push towards it!
Dry salted codfish seems to show up in many cuisines. Even here in Canada in Newfoundland it started with the fisherman. Both versions of your dish look delicious my dear. I will have mine stuffed into artichokes when I come for dinner please:D
Chica, this dish is after my heart…roasted red peppers are like my tomatoes of winter!
♪Cumpleaños feliz♫ cumpleaños feliz, te deseo querida Nuria (Chica)♫ Cumpleaños feliz!!!!
yummy Nuria I love rice, i to make a “arroz con bacalao” except I make a sofrito with garlic, onion, bell pepper, then seal the rice in oil, add “colorante”, season with salt and comino or sometimes instead of comino I like Pimienton and add boiling water. You can throw a bay leaf if you’d like. (I make almost all my rice dishes like that the only thing that changes is what I mix it with “pork”, “shrimp”, etc. sometimes I add tomato and will use stock depending on what im cooking)
Hola Núria, te he conocido en Serrats, tienes un blog fantástico con una fotografía maravillosa. Un placer pasar por aquí, intentaré no perderte la pista.
As usual, your food looks as good as I am sure it tastes! I still want to come to your house to eat one day!
Oh I love bacalla! Your presentation is breathtaking and making me very hungry! Oh and I see that someone is singing Happy Birthday to you, which could only mean that it is your birthday today or was recently or will be soon… Happy Birthday!
Thanks for the mention! =)
The paella looks great! Know what, you should try making a FRIED RICE with bacalao! When we were preparing bacalao for our party, JS remarked that it smelled like “salted fish.” (Well, duh. Haha.) But, what she meant was it smelled like SALTED FISH FRIED RICE that’s usually serve in Chinese restaurants. =)
While I grew up eating bacalao (and still do), I’ve never thought of putting it with rice because as you know the gallegos eat it with potatoes or in empanada gallega. I will definitely be trying it with rice one day soon!
Feliz cumpleaños my dear – all the best to you!
Thanks for the shout-out, Nuria! Your romesco sauce was awesome!
Beautiful looking recipe. I’m going to Twitter a link to it right now…
This looks sensational Nuria! You have really made the bacalao the star here!
Nùria, qué bueno! Tengo ganas de hacer un buen arroz.
la verdad? no se con cual quedarme, el bacalao y yo….una historia de amor, asi que tu receta me encanto, delicioso de verdad! besitos
Alcachofas (sorry about the bad spelling, but I always remember the word) YAY!!!! Spring must be coming. I love the ‘A’s – artichokes, asparagus, avocados…. And the bacalao looks delicious, too ;-))
Your dish looks deliciouuuus
Oooo that looks wonderful. It’s hard to find good salted cod over here, but I need to find a source. I especially like the way the ones stuffed into the artichokes look!
This looks so delicious. I like it so much. It looks so loaded! Thanks a lot for sharing this one. Spanish dishes really are for big eaters.
Wow Nuria!! That looks amazing … but then again, everything you make looks amazing!
I was just on the La Tienda web site the other day adding some smoked paprika to my virtual shopping basket and I am now ready to indluge in an authentic paella pan as well.
oh that last photo is amazing!!!!
Estimada!!! no recordo quan temps fa que no menjo arrós amb bacallà i ara que el veig al teu blog m´ha vingut una gola incontrolable :) has fet unes fotos precioses i això de rellenar carxofes amb ell ho trobo molt apropiat…un petonet molt especial!!