May 07
Double Chocolate Cupcakes
So, this last 23rd was the big day and even though the weather wasn’t that bright, I got a precious red rose from my darling and I bought a couple of books for him. Since he has a kindle, I searched for the right book at amazon and found two novels that he might like :D.
And since he is so lovely, he also bought some books for me, because a rose is great, but books… books are a treasure! And guess what he found… yes, a book about cupcakes! All kind of creative magdalenas can be found there :D.
And here I am in the kitchen baking as a maniac… In these particular ones I changed white sugar for brown sugar (I think it’s a healthier option), but that hasn’t been a problem at all; they were delicious as well. We had some for our morning breakfast, and guess what happened… Have you met my doggy before?
Yes, she might look harmless to you, but I left the kitchen in a hurry and forgot to put the cupcakes in a safe place… Seconds later, when I realised, it was too late; I found her on the kitchen table swallowing one of the cupcakes! She didn’t even bother to bite it! She was still licking her face half an hour later.
Ingredients for a batch of 12: 2 eggs, 125 grs of butter, 225 grs of brown sugar, 125 ml of milk, 270 grs of cake flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 75 grs of chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.For the toping: 75 grs of black chocolate (70% cocoa), 100 grs of butter, 80 grs of cream, 185 grs of icing sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and some sugar coloured tiny candy.
- Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
- In a big bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar and the softened butter until you get a light blend.
- Add the milk, the sifted flour, the baking powder, the cocoa powder and the vanilla. Beat with the help of an electric mixer if you have it. Add the chocolate chips and mix.
- Pour the mixture in the containers and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. insert a toothpick to know when they are done. If it comes out clean, then place over the rack on the kitchen counter.
- When they cool down, start with the topping.
- Melt the chocolate in a bain marie with half the softened butter. Outside the heat, add the cream, stir until it gets colder and it thickens.
- Mix the rest of the softened butter with the icing sugar and the vanilla extract. Add to the previous mixture and carefully stir until you get an homogeneous dough.
- Cover the cupcakes and sprinkle with some coloured tiny candy.
Cupcakes should be at all celebrations Nuria!!!
Me gusta esta receta. Era facil y no tardo en hacer. Mi familia tambien encanto. Muchas gracias.
¡Estas son tan buenas y fáciles de hacer gracias!