
Shy Omelet and more Eggs than you can imagine!

I don't have an obsession with Omelets but I love their versatility and mixing different kinds of eggs it might seem an extravagance but, I love surprising my guests! So, here you have the easiest way to prepare an ...


Cakes, pies & tarts

Chocolate and Walnuts Cake for High Tea Times

I'm not much into teas; not that I dislike them... it's only that I haven't given them a chance! I'm a coffee person. This means that before my morning coffee I am not a person... I'm a troglodyte and sound like one with ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Legumes

Chickpeas puree with fake Tagliatelle

Where have the traditional pets gone?3 Days ago a female Lion was seen at different villages in the border of Catalonia and Valencia. Nobody knows from its origin... maybe it escaped from a Circus? Maybe a rich and excentric person bought it as a ...


Bread, pizza, quiches & sandwiches | Fish, seafood & shellfish

Olives’ Empanadillas for the O Food Event

Jack Bauer has some kind of hipnotic power... I swear I wanted to post about Empanadillas during the weekend, but we managed to get the last 24 Hours season and we got nailed to the sofa! No time for cooking, nor talking, nor walking... we could only devour chapter after ...


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rossejat de Fideus – Toasted noodles (a daring translation!)

There is some confusion with Rossejat de Fideus and Fideuà. In Catalan, fideus means noodles, so both dishes have noodles as main ingredient. The difference lies in the size of the noodle, the way to cook it, the ingredients and the procedure of the dish....


Charcuterie | Legumes | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

The Most Delicious Minted Green Peas Puree

Since I first tasted this recipe at the hotel's restaurant in Budapest a year ago, I've been trying to perform it at home and last spring I achieved the best results! It is so simple and delicious :D. Of course, if you can get fresh peas is much better, ...


Bread, pizza, quiches & sandwiches

Walnut and Parsley Bread

Do you want to see my newborn? Hush, hush, don't wake him up... don't you see he's just born? See how cute and fine he is? See what a brown beautiful skin he has? Get your nose close to the screen and breath deeply... ...


Beverages | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Gazpacho aromatized with fresh Basil

I want to show you the easiest and tastiest recipe for Gazpacho before summer ends. Here in Barcelona, temperatures are starting to drop but tomatoes are the cheapest veggies in the market right now. Shouldn't we take advantage of it and buy some ...



A Flu and Blogging Interruptus

I just heard on the radio this question to the audience: Has the A Flu changed your daily routine? I would like to hear your voice here, please.Here in Spain it's like the only thing we talk about these days! It's on the news, ...




This is not a story about the Titanic... but it could be! Not that I sinked at the end... just sooo exciting. This is not a story about the Love Boat... but it could be! If only we had left the port behind... one never knows!...

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