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Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Winter’s favorite Soup

We, hot blooded animals; we, warm hearted Spaniards; we, passionate people; we... the ones who probably have more bars and terraces per square meter in the world; we have suffered this Siberian freezing snap that has left us shivering, freezing, trembling, cowering and afraid to go outside... Thank God we ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Legumes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Lentils Stew with Cod and Potatoes

A lentils stew is always so hearty and comforting. I love them so much that I devour them in no time. I don't give the 20 minutes my brain needs to process I'm full, and at minute 10 I'm already having my second plate. Lentils make me behave like Winnie ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Legumes | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Empedrat – Beans and Cod Salad

This is a traditional Catalan dish. Its literal translation would be: Stoned; meaning done with stones. Maybe paved would be a closer translation. A funny name for a dish! The recipe is really easy, with no cooking involved, perfect for a starter and a suitable choice for the summer. If ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Legumes

Fava beans, green Peas and Clams

♪ And youuuuuuu, decorated my life, created a world where dreams are a part, ♫ ♫ And youuuuuu, decorated my life, by paintin' your love all over my heart, ♪ ♪You decorated my life... ♫ Yeah, that's the way I feel... I'm in the clouds enjoying the end of the Spring and beggining ...


Charcuterie | Legumes

Chickpeas, Spinachs and Blood Catalan Sausage

This is one of those dishes that takes you 10 minutes to prepare if you use canned chickpeas and bagged spinachs; but if you want to boil your own chickpeas and clean the spinachs leaves... it takes much more! So, this is up to you. Are you in a hurry? Try ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Legumes

Chickpeas puree with fake Tagliatelle

Where have the traditional pets gone?3 Days ago a female Lion was seen at different villages in the border of Catalonia and Valencia. Nobody knows from its origin... maybe it escaped from a Circus? Maybe a rich and excentric person bought it as a ...



Alubias pintas con Arroz y Pimientos del padrón – Beans & Rice & some Hot Peppers

I love it when, like in this dish, one recipe can be shown in different ways: A classic view, a modern view and a transformed view... and you may think... what is she talking about? I'm talking about presenting a dish, making it nice to the ...


Legumes | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

Chick peas and Spinach Soup

Have you ever tried to cook your own chick peas? Have you achieved a good result the first time you tried? Have they been tender and tasty? Of course it's always easier to buy a can of precooked chick peas but I enjoy learning and preparing things by myself ...

Olleta de Music


Legumes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Beans Porridge and 10 Tips to Cook your Beans well.

Let's forget about sophisticated and festive dishes for a while and land our feet on earth... Are you familiar with morcilla de cebolla, with chorizo, with pigs feet? No? Well, then let me introduce you to Potaje de judías-Olleta de music or Beans Porridge. This is a typical dish ...


Sin categoría

Hummus Magnificus!

Hummus sounds like Latin to me, but is it Latin? Nope! It's Arab and it means garbanzos or chickpeas... the main ingredient of the dish. Believe it or not, this is the first time I cook it and I took the recipe from a Spanish food ...

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