Fish, seafood & shellfish | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Arroz con Bacalao – Arros amb Bacallà – Codfish Rice

I haven't been cooking with Cod lately... and you all know that I love it... so, when I saw Eating Club Vancouver's Spanish Menu, I knew my next dish would use Cod in it :D. You are my muses, girls!!! You know ...


Rice & pasta | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Stuffed Galets in a Salad

These shell shaped pasta are called Galets here in Catalonia. They are the pasta we throw into our Christmas rich Stock. This year, the city of Barcelona has used them as an icon for the Holidays. They were giant and strategically set in different hot city spots! ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24: The Perfect Meal… did you hear Mr. Bourdain?

My Chef's "Muse": Anthony Bourdain I've been hearing a lot about Anthony Bourdain for some time now, but never saw him on TV (I cannot see the No Reservations Tv program here), never read any of his books, never had lunch at his restaurant Les ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

The Cod Connection.

It could be the tittle of a film... maybe Kevin Spacey would be the main character, he'd be the smart guy and Gerard Depardieu could be the tortured bad guy... A Cod market shop would be the place for the "business transactions". Do you ...


Meat & poultry | Others | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Snails with Bacon and Mushrooms. A Fall’s tapa!

Can you imagine these special fall flavours all combined in a Tapa? Mmmmm, Snails are absolutely delicious cooked this way. Eating snails also has a special Bonus... you can eat them with your fingers! It's one of those special foods where using the fingers ...


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rossejat de Fideus – Toasted noodles (a daring translation!)

There is some confusion with Rossejat de Fideus and Fideuà. In Catalan, fideus means noodles, so both dishes have noodles as main ingredient. The difference lies in the size of the noodle, the way to cook it, the ingredients and the procedure of the dish....


Beverages | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Gazpacho aromatized with fresh Basil

I want to show you the easiest and tastiest recipe for Gazpacho before summer ends. Here in Barcelona, temperatures are starting to drop but tomatoes are the cheapest veggies in the market right now. Shouldn't we take advantage of it and buy some ...


Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Tapas from Spain! A Taste Of The Mediterranean.

Tapas... who has never heard about them? For those of you new in the foodie world, Tapas are a Spanish invention; a small gastronomic taste; something that you find in every single Bar here in Spain; in cities and in villages; in rustic and ...


Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Timbal d’Escalivada

VISCA EL BARÇA!!!! ♫ COPA ♪ LLIGA ♫ I CHAMPIONS ♪ I couldn't help it :D. Barça is my Team! For those of you not in the know, I'm talking about football :D. Escalivada is a typical Catalan dish made out of Roasted Peppers, Eggplant, Onion, Tomatoes,... ...


Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Piquillos Stuffed with Cod Brandade over Parsley sauce

Colours are so important to me. Green gives me freshness, Red gives me energy and White gives me peace of mind. Perfection on a plate ;D. Did you know that depending on the colours you use to decorate your home you can drive your emotions one way or the other?...

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