Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

XATÓ, a Catalan typical dish for the Culinary Olympics 2010

Representing Spain and more specifically Catalonia, here is my dish for the BloggerAid Changing the Face of Famine Culinary Olympics 2010. Xató is a rich salad made out of curled endive, desalted cod, olives, ...


Meat & poultry | Others | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Fried Frog Legs with Green Sauce dip

Special dressing today: The Dance of the Hours. (please turn player on) Yes, I must be a bit insane... who else would think about putting a ballerina costume to some frog legs? ...


Eggs | Tapas bar

Have you got Eggs? Then, BlOg yOur Omelet!!!

Eggs in the pantry? A roar in the stomach? ¡Si tienes huevos, envíame tu tortilla y participa en el concurso! ;DHow do you want it? Which one would you grab first? The Zucchini and Mint one or the Mushrooms, Asparagus and sweet Garlic one?...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Tapas bar

Clams in Green Sauce

There's no better clams than those from Galicia! Their texture and taste has nothing to do with those we find here at the Mediterranean or the French ones from the Bay of Biscay. I don't mean that our sea doesn't produce good clams, but these from Galicia are ...


Charcuterie | Eggs | Tapas bar | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Blood Sausage and Spinach Omelette

The most important meal of the day? Breakfast, of course! We are usually in a hurry in the morning and my breakfast is a café con leche with 2 or 3 cookies, that's it.  Not enough fuel to deal with the morning routine because we have lunch at 14:00. However, there's ...


Sin categoría

Aphrodisiac Recipe – Potatoe & Avocado & Salmon Salad

Special dressing: The wonder boy... don't know who's signing, but I fell in love with that voice! (turn player on)This could be a potatoe salad, or an avocado salad or even a salmon salad... but now that Valentine's Day is getting near, I want it to be ...


Fruits | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

A Pink Strawberry Dessert and some Photographic tips

What I'm enjoying the most now is: Photography. Do you remember those days, not so long ago, when we had to take our photo reels to the photography shop to get our pictures developed? I hated those waiting days... yes, days!!!! Can you imagine? ...


Others | Tapas bar

Roquefort lollipops with grapes and pistachios

Are you wondering how could I even get near to the Roquefort cheese? I wonder myself too... However, I love seeing my husband's face when eating one of these :D = Absolute pleasure! I keep myself 2 meters away and I still can smell that horrible aroma... sorry, cheese lovers, ...

ajo blanco


Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Ajo Blanco

Summer is over! I'm welcoming the cold, the blankets, the jackets, the boots... and the wild mushrooms, the comfort food, the pumpkins... but before that, and seeing that our weather doesn't care about Fall rules (we are having beautiful hot days) I want to show you one of our Traditional ...


Sin categoría

Octopus in a Stew – O foods.

♫ Put your head on my shoulder ♪, hold me in your arms ♪.... ♫ Octopus ♪! Specially dressed by Paul Anka (turn the player on to get the real feeling). Could a potatO ask for more? A love story of hugs and hOt desire! ...

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