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Mac and Cheese


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Mac and Cheese…

... the way we cook them here. Or maybe, the most extended way to cook them here. Yes, there is cheese but not as the main ingredient, I only use it to gratin the macaroni at the end of the process. Instead, there's a lot of onion, pork sausage and tomato ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Noodles with Mussels and Crayfish

There is nothing more rewarding than cooking for the family on a sunny day with fresh and high quality Mediterranean products. Have a handy glass of Rioja wine while cooking and enjoy the process. Slow cooking is like tantric sex, there's no hurry in getting the sofrito done; patience ...


Rice & pasta

Spaghetti with asparagus, sausage and mushrooms

Here are my three reasons for this delicious spaghetti dish today: ONE: I have to get my stomach trained for my next trip to Italy this Summer... Yes, that's right! We will follow the yellow brick path through France first, we'll visit Provence and head to La Toscana and Firenze... Oh ...


Meat & poultry | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Wheat flour and organic Noodles with Rabbit

I love cooking "fideus a la cassola" or paella on weekends for lunch, when there's plenty of time and we start eating between 15:00 and 16:00... There is nothing more relaxing than being in the kitchen with my thoughts, preparing the dishes for the family with some music on the ...


Rice & pasta | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

Cold Spaguetti and Avocado Salad

Let everything you are doing aside, please; pay full attention to this recipe/post! Still don't know what to do today for dinner? Pleaseeeeee, notice that this recipe is one of the easiest and fastest and "deliciousnest" you will find in the net! Let's see, do you have a lemon, an avocado, ...


Rice & pasta | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Stuffed Galets in a Salad

These shell shaped pasta are called Galets here in Catalonia. They are the pasta we throw into our Christmas rich Stock. This year, the city of Barcelona has used them as an icon for the Holidays. They were giant and strategically set in different hot city spots! ...


Rice & pasta

Pasta in Black and Pasta in White. Black Linguini versus White Spaguetti.

Last week, after lunch and while watching TV, we bumped into the wonderful film: Gone with the Wind. I cannot help it, I must watch it... no matter how many times I cried with it... I have to cry and cry again and wonder how life and people has changed ...


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rossejat de Fideus – Toasted noodles (a daring translation!)

There is some confusion with Rossejat de Fideus and Fideuà. In Catalan, fideus means noodles, so both dishes have noodles as main ingredient. The difference lies in the size of the noodle, the way to cook it, the ingredients and the procedure of the dish....


Bread, pizza, quiches & sandwiches

PIZZA in capital letters and The Sopranos

I just discovered The Sopranos... and I keep on wondering how can a man like Tony Soprano turn me on? He is not my type at all, but the way he behaves: so tender sometimes, so tough and powerful others, so fragile and yet so strong. A man full ...


Sin categoría

Black Spaghetti dressed in Xmas colours

Decorating the house these days is one of the highligthed thingstodo in my December list... and believe me or not... I still haven't done it!!! This afternoon, my daughter and I will roll up our sleeves and light up the house. We will get the ...

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