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Chipirones en su Tinta – Squid in its Ink

Alert! Alert! You don't wan't to miss this post! You have never had anything like this before! Come over here, take a look at the pictures and the recipe and tell me you don't want to cook this... I nearly cry when I tasted them!Chipirones are ...



Strawberries and Banana Horns

Strawberries are here! Take a look at the fruits shops, they are all over... they are in season :D. And I'm sure you don't want to miss them because with all the beneficial properties they have you could become superman/woman just right after you finish the dish. They are low calorie, ...


Cupcakes, cookies & muffins | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Carquinyolis – The Catalan Biscotti

I have been wanting to prepare this Carquinyolis recipe for a long time now. I wonder how will it sound on your mouth when you pronounce the word, hahaha, it's not an easy one, I guess :D. This is a super easy recipe to do and very energetic with all ...


Bread, pizza, quiches & sandwiches | Fish, seafood & shellfish

Olives’ Empanadillas for the O Food Event

Jack Bauer has some kind of hipnotic power... I swear I wanted to post about Empanadillas during the weekend, but we managed to get the last 24 Hours season and we got nailed to the sofa! No time for cooking, nor talking, nor walking... we could only devour chapter after ...

Halloween Cupcakes


Cupcakes, cookies & muffins

Halloween Cupcakes

Finally temperatures have dropped a bit, finally it feels like Autumn! It's a time of change... a time to give the wardrobe a twist, a time to use different and seasonal groceries and food. While I think about different ways I could prepare our Panellets  (Catalan sweet typical ...


Fish, seafood & shellfish | Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Squilla Mantis and Rice… a flavourful combo!

Eventhough it's still February and this Winter has been loooooong, weeeeeet and cooooooooold, I just saw the first bloomed almond trees and swallows. What can this mean? Yes, Spring is so near now! Oh, sun, dear sun... I missed you soooooo! February is the month for Squilla Mantis, a delicious ...


Cakes, pies & tarts | Traditional Spanish Recipes

La Mona de Pascua – A Catalan traditional Cake

This is the story of a Mona that wasn't convinced enough to become a Mona. And it's also the story of a woman (me) who was patient and stubborn enough to finally achieve good results! My first try was kind ...


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Gallina en Pepitoria – Hen in Pepitoria

What was first the egg or the chicken? This tricky question always reminds me of a story my mom told me: when I was a little girl (went to kindergarden), the teacher asked me: What's the colour of white cow's milk? And, of course, I said ...

Paella Parellada


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rich Man’s Rice – Arròs Parellada

Rice is one of my favorite ingredients, that’s why I love exploring all its possibilities. If you want to make me happy, invite me for a paella or anything that includes rice in the menu. If you want to be happy, ask me to do a Rice for you! This recipe I’m ...


Rice & pasta | Traditional Spanish Recipes

Rossejat de Fideus – Toasted noodles (a daring translation!)

There is some confusion with Rossejat de Fideus and Fideuà. In Catalan, fideus means noodles, so both dishes have noodles as main ingredient. The difference lies in the size of the noodle, the way to cook it, the ingredients and the procedure of the dish....

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