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Cherry Tomatoes Salad

This past weekend my daughter in law brought us these garden pearls! These tiny cherry tomatoes are a real treasure! Sooooo sweet and juicy. She has her own garden and never goes to the farmer's market... I can't imagine how much money she saves per year!!!! ...


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Summer Salad with Duck’s Ham

PLEASE NOTICE THAT TASTESPOTTING IS NOT COMPLETELY DEAD!!! JUST HURT AND IN THE ICU... MEANWHILE GO AND HAVE A TOAST AT LIQURIOUS.There's a saying here in Spain that goes: ¿Querías caldo? ¡Toma 2 tazas! The literal translation would be: Did you want a broth? Here ...


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Lobster & Veggies Salad

Special dressing: The Honeydrippers (turn player on)Doesn't this look like a Christmas salad? Yeeeeees, it does! It's a bit expensive, but if we don't do it for Xmas, when then?When I was a kid I never ever dreamed of having this kind of lobster salad, ...


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Warm Black Tagliatelle Salad

Special dressing: Luciano Pavarotti (with all my respect and admira- tion)Not a usual salad, not usual Pasta, but the mixture of ingredients is fresh and new and with a sea taste on top. Maybe this Christmas you give a chance to this salad. Your guests will ...

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