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Warm Black Tagliatelle Salad

Special dressing: Luciano Pavarotti (with all my respect and admira- tion)Not a usual salad, not usual Pasta, but the mixture of ingredients is fresh and new and with a sea taste on top. Maybe this Christmas you give a chance to this salad. Your guests will ...


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Artichoke’s soup with bacon and iberian acorn ham

Special dressing: some artichoke's music...This is not a Xmas traditional dish, you will notice that at first sight... but, we all agree that during Xmas celebrations, here in Spain, I don't know the rest of the world, we drink quite a lot! And I'm not ...


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Iberian Acorn Ham

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DID NOT FIND THE XMAS TREE HIDDEN POST...Here is the King of the Spanish tables, the most desired, the tastiest, the exclusive, the only one... Ladies and Gentlemen... The Iberian Acorn Ham!!! This extraordinary and special Ham deserves its own post, just ...

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