Meat & poultry | Soups, salads, vegetables & potatoes

Pollo en Escabeche – Chicken in a Pickle

Is this a pickle or a marinated chicken? When looking for the translation of the word Escabeche, I can find both options. Will you throw some light here? How would you call it? It sure has vinegar, but it also marinates in the sauce. Whatever the answer is… give it a try!!!! Either is winter, or summer, this is a fantastic way to eat chicken… see how versatile can be… in a salad or in its own sauce. Or rather, would you have it in a sandwich?

The cooking method is so simple that even a kid could prepare it! No complex processes implied, no difficult and rare ingredients… the kind of dish you can have prepared in advance, perfect for Psychgrad’s TTT3!

Today I won’t show you any chicken’s crest ;D. Let’s get our sleeves rolled!


I had it in a salad and cold, but you could have it hot in its sauce with some potatoes or in a sandwich… Whatever you choose it will be great! Use its own sauce to dress the dish.


Looking for any other easy and simple recipes? Try these ones :D
Sardines in a pickle… let’s change the chicken meat for some fish meat.
Leek and Mushroom sandwich… want to go out for a picnic?
Pa amb tomàquet i Pernil… the best decision of your life!


Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 chicken, 1/2 liter of water, 200 grs of olive oil, 100 grs of vinegar, 2 or 3 branches of rosemary, 2 or 3 of thyme, half a garlic's head, 2 carrots, a small amount of different coloured round peppers, 1 cinnamon stick and some salt.

  • Prepare a big casserole with enough olive oil to roast the chicken. Cut the breasts and legs and wings and add salt and black ground pepper. Place in the casserole when the oil is hot. Roast the chicken until it gets all golden. Reserve.
  • Pour the oil inside a recipient and add more up to 200 grs. Pour back to the casserole. Add the rest of ingredients in the casserole and the chicken and simmer until the chicken is tender.
  • Let it cool down in the casserole. And when cold place in the fridge with all the sauce.
  • Just this simple!


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02/16/2009 · 18:56 h by Karen

I think Chicken in a Pickle is the perfect name for this dish! I think I’d like it on a sandwich :)

02/16/2009 · 21:11 h by Karen Brown Letarte

Nuria, this looks SO good! We love all manner of tangy, pickly things at our house! “En Escabeche” is hard to translate with chicken, if it were vegetables we would usually say “pickled,” e.g., habichuelas en escabeche would be pickled green beans. We don’t usually “pickle” meats over here, so I’d probably say Chicken In Vinaigrette or something. But Chicken in a Pickle is cute– it makes it sound like the chicken is in trouble, LOL! Thanks for sharing this terrific recipe!

02/16/2009 · 21:11 h by we are never full

mmm. love escabeche – no matter which culture’s version. we eat jamaican escaveitch often, but it’s great to see it with chicken. those pickled carrots are making my mouth water.

02/16/2009 · 22:04 h by Peter G

This sounds lovely Nuria!…yes, I think perfect in a sandwich.

02/16/2009 · 22:57 h by Joan Nova

For me “escabeche” is cooked, then dressed with oil, vinegar, garlic and bay leaf and refrigerated. Eaten the next day (or day after) after being brought to room temperature…with a hunk of crusty bread, of course. My family always did this with fish, especially mackerel.

Chicken sounds like a perfectly reasonable substitute.

02/17/2009 · 2:06 h by Laurie Constantino

Whatever it’s called, it sure looks good! I think I’d call it Really Good Chicken…

02/17/2009 · 4:09 h by [eatingclub] vancouver || js

In a pickle, marinated: the chicken sure looks delicious! I can’t wait to try this technique: thanks!

02/17/2009 · 4:14 h by Ivy

I am not sure what this would be called but I certainly know that I would like it.

02/17/2009 · 4:37 h by Mallory Elise

those are crazy peppercorns, i love em! i didn’t comment on the post below because while i love love luhvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee eating chicken, i hate seeing them dead whole because the French call people they love mon poulet, and i don’t like seeing dead!

02/17/2009 · 9:12 h by Núria

Hola Karen! Ok, then one sandwich for Karen ;D.

Hola Karen Brown! I love it when you say that it looks like the chicken is in trouble… that’s so funny :D. Hope you try it yourself, it’s soooooo easy!

Hola Amy and Jonny! Jamaican escaveitch… I wish I could try that, have you got any recipes in your blog?

Hola Peter! Oido cocina! Otro sandwich para el caballero ;D

Joan, your description of the escabeche is perfect and yes is more common with fishes, the blue ones are so suitable (mackerel, sardines, boquerones, tuna…)
You should try chicken… it’s a new dimension ;D

Thanks so much Laurie, Js and Ivy!

He, he… love to see you all excited about those chicken pictures ;D. Mallory, don’t you wonder why it affects us so much with chickens and nothing happens with fish?

02/17/2009 · 11:53 h by Ben

Oh, how simple! and I would just call it escabeche, let us widen our knowledge in language and culture :)

02/18/2009 · 0:26 h by Nathan

Muchas gracias Nuria! (No seriously) I love things “en Escabeche” and I also love “curtidos” and all that good stuff :)

This dish will probably become a dish I prepare often in my home.

Is this dish “Catalan”?

Also can it be seasoned differently to (like if I wanted can I use bay leaves, black peppercorns, oregano, cumin and garlic as the main spices? of course I will try your wway first though :)

02/18/2009 · 7:27 h by Núria

He, he, sí ok… escabeche is perfect, Ben ;D

Hola Nathan! De nada chico! You can be as creative with herbs and spices as you want! I normally add a bay leave too… maybe I forgot this time.
It’s just a Spanish dish, not only Catalan and it comes from old days when there were no fridges to preserve the meat :D

02/20/2009 · 22:14 h by glamah16

Anything pickled is wonderful in my book. Like how you served it cold in a salad.

03/04/2009 · 3:51 h by Psychgrad

I love pickles and I love chicken…but I’ve never tried the two together. You’re right though – something like this made ahead of time is exactly what I’m looking for. :)

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